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Registration and Payment 

for the 2020 JASNC Speaker Series

Note: Please use Chrome browser. You may not be able to pay with Explorer browser.  You don't need your own PayPal account to make a payment. You can use your credit or debit card and your payment will go through PayPal.  Please call us if you have any further issue.  919-278-7857

No Refund after 1/31/2020  

At this time the  registration form is closed. 

Step 1

After you fill out the form, please click "Submit $XX.XX" button. Press "Check out with PayPal".

If you  pay for two people please change 'QTY' to 2.  Press "Check out with PayPal".

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Step 2

If you pay with your PayPal account, please enter your email address and password and proceed your payment with PayPal. 


If you choose to pay with debit or credit card, please click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" and proceed the following.

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Step 3

Please choose to pay either with your PayPal account or Credit/Debit card.

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