Japanese Home Cooking
The Japan-America Society of North Carolina is pleased to announce that we are now offering monthly Ouchigohan (Japanese home cooking) online classes in conjunction with Table For Two USA and other Japan-America Societies across the country.
Sept Ouchigohan: Omurice - with Hakusai Pickle!
When: Saturday, Sept 14, 2024 at 6 PM EST
Join us to make one of Japan’s most popular and homey dishes, Omurice! A soft thick eggy omelet drapes over a mound of savory ketchup rice, studded with chicken and vegetables. This famous yoshoku (western style) dish is made in every home for dinners and bento. The class will be led by Debra Samuels our Ouchigohan sensei. We will complete the meal with a crunchy quick Hakusai (Napa cabbage) pickle. Bonus demo: Kawaii Teddy Bear Omurice!
9月のおうちごはん!は日本を代表する家庭料理、オムライスです!ケチャップライスの上に、とろとろのオムレツがのっています。 夕食やお弁当のおかずとして、どこの家庭でも楽しまれている洋食メニューと白菜漬けの作り方を、おうちごはん!の先生であるデブラ・サミュエルズさんが指導します。 特別デモンストレーションは、かわいいテディベアのオムライス🐻です!乞うご期待☆
🌸 開催日: 9月14日(土)
🌸 時刻: 4 PM MST (山時間)
🌸 メニュー: オムライス&白菜漬け
JASCメンバー: $10 / 一般: $15
Check out Table For Two's forthcoming book, "Japanese Cooking with Kids" (Tuttle Publishing, Fall 2024)!
JASNC Members - $10
Non-JASNC members - $15