Registration for the 2019 Annual JASNC Conference
Note: Please use Chrome browser. You may not be able to pay with Explorer browser. You don't need your own PayPal account to make a payment. You can use your credit or debit card and your payment will go through PayPal. If you make a payment but not attending the conference/reception, please provide us guest name in "Special Instruction" when you pay or send us attendee's name by email.
The followings are a step-by-step instruction.
At this time the registration form is closed.
1) Please click "Options:" and choose an appropriate options and quantity:
Member: $15
Non Member: $25
Non Member with 1yr individual membership fee: $35 - this is a special offer for the first time members only.
Student member: $10
Student non-member: $15
Student non-member with 1yr Student membership fee $20
2) Please click "Check out with PayPal" for all payment methods including credit/debit card.

3a) If you have your PayPal account, please log In to pay.

3b) If not, please click "Pay with Debit and Credit Card" and pay accordingly.